Saturday, November 28, 2009

Chelation Therapy Drug Found Safe and Beneficial for Children With Autism | Reuters

Chelation therapy is very effective for removing heavy metals from the body. Chelating agents such as DMSA bind with metals and are then excreted from the body. Heavy metal toxicity has been implicated as a cause of autism and is also associated with many other conditions .

What is very notable about this study is the dramatic effect of DMSA on the body's levels of glutathione. Glutathione is the body's most important anti-oxidant found in every cell. It's very powerful and effective but it's also easily depleted. When it becomes depleted you have less defense against the bad guys. A three day treatment of DMSA raised glutathione levels in children for 1-2 months duration.

Today it's even more important to think about getting garbage out of our system than what to put in. Heavy metals and other environmental toxins deplete glutathione and other antioxidant levels thus lowering the immune system. These toxins often have no metabolic pathway to be broken down and freely circulate through the blood stream or get stuffed into fat and joints. If you're chronically sick and cant' figure out why this could very well be the reason.

The Integrative Health Center offers lab testing for heavy metals and detoxification programs as part of the The 4R Program for good health.

Chelation Therapy Drug Found Safe and Beneficial for Children With Autism | Reuters

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