Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Welcome Back, Back Pain: Bad Posture and Overloaded Backpacks Hurt Kids' Backs | Fit | Express Night Out
Monday, August 23, 2010
The Magic of Seven Hours of Sleep
This is perhaps the most important piece of health news you can read!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
'Rotten Eggs' Gas and Inflammation in Arthritic Joints
Sulfur, a very beneficial and healing element, has been found to be protective of joints.
A great way to provide the body with sulfur is through the diet.
- Garlic, onions, and all of the allium family
- Grains
- methionine: corn, sunflower seeds, oats, chocolate, cashews, walnuts, almonds, sesame seeds (in that order).
- cysteine: oats, corn
- Legumes, including carob and jicama
- Red meats
- eggs
- chicken
- duck
- Nuts & seeds
- Broccoli and all cole-family (brassica) vegetables. This includes cabbages, bok choy, mustard, and watercress.
- Asparagus
- Coconut
- Avocado (high in glutathione, which breaks down during digestion, yielding cysteine)
- Watermelon (also high in glutathione)
- Swiss Chard
- Parsley
- Sweet potatoes and "yams"
- Bananas
- Tomatoes (MSM)
- Tea & coffee: MSM
- Dairy products (Cows' milk: MSM. other milks?)
- Whey proteins (high in cysteine & methionine)
- Amino acids: cysteine, methionine
- Thiamin / Thiamine / Vitamin B1 / aneurine
- Biotin, Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H
Pesticide Exposure Linked to ADHD Risk
In one study cord blood of newborns was found to have over 250 known toxins. This is coming from the mother. Environmental toxins are now ubiquitous at every level...water, air, soil. Babies are now born toxic. It's very important to assess your state of toxicity and your ability to detox.
Meditation For A Stronger Brain : NPR
Tap into the power of the brain and the mind to exert influence over your physical and emotional problems!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Tai Chi Eases Symptoms of Fibromyalgia, Study Finds - NYTimes.com
Anything that gets people to slow down and relax in this society is a benefit to their health. Tai Chi is a wonderful series of movements that help physically, emotionally, and mentally. For some even spiritually. Movements are purposeful and breathing properly is very important to improving brain function and calming the body down.
Fibromyalgia is a very painful condition often without something solid to point to. Doctors acknowledge the mental component, but unfortunately that gets translated as the patient having an emotional or mental problem. They are either sent away or referred to a psychiatrist.
Tai Chi is a way to deal with fibromyalgia on many levels all at the same time. And while it's helping with that it will also help your brain calm down and your heart beat better. That in turn will have a very positive effect on your entire mind and body.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
1,800 Year-Old Chinese Herbal Remedy Reduced Toxicity And Boosted Effect Of Chemotherapy
This is great news for cancer patients who suffer from the sickening effects of chemotherapy. One of the effects of chemo is gastrointestinal toxicity which "causes great distress for millions of patients", according to senior author Dr Yung-Chi "Tommy" Cheng, Henry Bronson professor of pharmacology at Yale and co-director of the University Cancer Center's Developmental Therapeutics.
I have seen first hand what chemotherapy does to people with already weakened immune systems. Chemo drugs are designed to kill cells. The hope is that it will kill enough of the cancer cells before it kills too many healthy cells. That's not always the case.
Most oncologists are loathe to give any type of nutritional support simply because they are taught that nutrients will feed the cancer. This is not the case. The body must have these nutrients in order to combat the chemo!
In this study an herbal formula 1,800 years old was found to be very effective. Mice "experienced less toxicity, lost less weight and showed more anti-tumor activity than similar mice not given the formula."
The medical establishment wants to maintain their status quo, saying that more studies need to be done before these herbs can be given. Which do you trust more? A formula that's been around for 1,800 years or something so toxic that it may kill more of your healthy cells before it can kill your cancer cells? You know what that means.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
7 ways to get the best sleep ever - CNN.com
Positive Brain Changes Seen After Body-Mind Meditation
This is the future of medicine....no medications! The body has the capacity to heal given the chance. With an understanding of anatomy, physiology, and neurology we can make changes in how the brain functions and relates to the rest of the body. The emotional component is connected to body function and is crucial to address in today's overstimulating world. One of the brain's main functions is to filter out excessive stimuli. Meditation is the quiet we so sorely lack today.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Brain Surgery to Treat Type 2 Diabetes? - Diabetes | Symptoms | Diet | Type 2 - FOXNews.com
Well that's pretty impressive, but do you really want to have brain surgery just to control your sugar? At that point would it not be worth getting onto some type of diet and lifestyle program?
Chronic pain can be 'paralyzing' for women - CNN.com
- Detox
- Inhale Ethiopian frankincense oil with one hand on the forehead and the other hand on the area of pain. Focus/meditate on the pain or source of stress. Do this at least once a day for several minutes.
- Drink plenty of water, 2-3 liters per day
- Avoid sweetened drinks like sodas and juice drinks
- Avoid white flour, sugar, and fried foods
- Sweat
- Exercise
- Sleep 7 hours, room should be only for sleeping
- Good multi-vitamin/mineral every day
- Fish oil
- Neprinol or Formula 303
Deadly Whooping Cough, Once Wiped Out, Is Back : NPR
If it was "wiped out" how could it be back?? Perhaps the theory that these diseases rise and fall irrespective of vaccines has some merit? Perhaps the vaccines really don't work?
Asthma and Tylenol: How strong is the evidence? - Wellness - TIME.com
In this study a correlation was made between asthma and acetaminophen use. There is for a sure a link but the question remains; does acetaminophen cause asthma or do asthmatics have a greater chance of using the drug.
What is asthma? One thing not mentioned in this Wiki is that it is a condition of inflammation. The body and specifically the lungs are on fire.
On fire from what? There are both environmental and genetic factors at work, but what it boils down to is a lack of glutathione in the lungs. Glutathione is the naturally occurring primary antioxidant in every cell of the body. It can be depleted in many ways, one of which is constant drug use.
Ok, now we know how important glutathione is, but how can we increase it?
- N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)
- Alpha lipoic acid (ALA)
- B12, Folate, B6
- Selenium
- Milk Thistle
- Daily multivitamin
Glutathione Diet List
- garlic
- kale
- onions
- broccoli
- kale
- water cress
- cabbage
- asparagus
- brussel sprouts
- unpasteurized milk (should be hormone and antibiotic free)
- ricotta cheese
- cottage cheese
- yogurt
- eggs
- milk (decreased in pasteurized milk)
- whey protein (bio active is the better form)
- wheat germ
- granola
- oats
- oat flakes
- pork (not for Jews and Muslims)
- sausage meat
- chicken
- turkey
- duck
- Watermelon
- Un-denatured Whey Protein is the most plentiful source of glutathione boosting cystine.
- Exercise...regular start slowly and build up to thirty minutes a day.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Is Your Waistline Dangerous?
Researchers studied data on 48,500 men and 56,343 women ages 50 and older over a nine-year period. Even after adjusting for body mass index (BMI), the standard measure for overweight and obesity, very large waists (47" or larger in men, 42" or larger in women) were associated with roughly double the risk of dying.
But having a larger waistline was also linked to greater mortality risk across all BMI levels, including normal-weight men and women. For normal-BMI men, each additional 10 cm (3.9") of waistline boosted the likelihood of dying by 16% compared to men with bigger BMIs but svelter waists; for normal-weight women, an extra 10 cm increased risk 25%. Scientists noted that waist circumference is strongly correlated with fat tissue surrounding the organs in the abdomen, which is thought to be more dangerous than fat under the skin. Future health guidelines, they added, may need to focus more on waistlines. - Archives of Internal Medicine
Big bellies spell 42%-44% bigger heart-attack risk.
Reprinted from The Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter (March 2007)
Dr. Rosenberg's Comments: Abdominal fat is not just some mushy stuff sitting there. It is metabolically active tissue.
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Heart May Be Affected By Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Weak spinal muscles weaken the heart. In this study we're talking about a genetic disease which weakens spinal muscles, but the same may be true for weak and stiff muscles in general. So many people send so much time sitting. This causes a weakening of the neuromusculoskeletal system. They may then try to excercise but their entire frame is out of balance and they end up causing even more damage and pain than before.
The answer is to stay active with some type of excercise. If you are relegated to a desk job at the very least get up for 5 minutes of every hour that you're sitting and move around a bit and stretch. This is also a good time to drink a glass of water to stay hydrated. Your muscle will appreciate it and so will your heart.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The other side of scoliosis surgery!
The other side of scoliosis surgery!
Personal Health - Scoliosis Test Lets Children Avoid a Brace - NYTimes.com
This is a wonderful new tool in the battle against scoliosis. With a salivary sample the lab and doctor can now determine the genetic probability of whether or not the curve will worsen. This is useful in devising a treatment plane which may or may not include a brace and even surgery.
I have been using salivary samples for neurotransmitter and hormone levels. In the past saliva was not looked upon as being reliable with physicians preferring blood and urine. Today the saliva test has reached a whole new level.
The article glaringly misses the benefits of chiropractic care when evaluating and treating scoliosis.
BBC News - New 'superbug' found in UK hospitals
People I meet seem to be in denial over the growing ineffectiveness of antibiotics. Here is mainstream headline news that says there are no antibiotics to fight this new strain of bacteria.
Even if antibiotics (meaning "against life") work they destroy all the good bacteria in the intestinal system. This opens the door for even more bad bacteria to take hold leading to a vicious cycle of antibiotics and decreased function.
The reason you get sick and others don't is that your immune system is not functioning up to par. This could be due to taking too many antibiotics over time, excess stress, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, poor diet (sugar, artificial sweeteners, processed foods, etc.), and not enough water.
So if you're chronically depleted and deprived of sleep, proper nutrients, and exercise, your immune system will struggle to function properly. This is when the opportunistic bugs, which are always around, get to act up and make you ill.
You're better off building your immune system by doing everything opposite of the items I mentioned which break down the immune system. And one more thing, take a good probiotic (for life) which will recolonize your gut with "good" bugs.
By the way your intestinal system contains 80% of your immune system and also produces hormones like serotonin.
Be well,
Dr. Rosenberg :)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Making Sense of Your Cholesterol Numbers
Another gem from Dr. Mercola! Get the facts on cholesterol!
Monday, August 09, 2010
Many Girls Now Begin Puberty at Age 7, 8
The biggest theory right now behind this is the proliferation of environmental toxins and the disruption they have on the neuro-endocrine system. This exposure starts in the womb and continues with the baby either being breast or bottle fed.
Many water supplies contain a cocktail of pharmaceuticals which cannot be filtered out. Included in that mix are sex hormones.
Another possible culprit is the amount of processed soy we eat.
When all these factors are added what are the kid's chances of normal development?
The Liver Cocktail
Excellent suggestion from Dr. Barton for clearing the liver. This is a home remedy that is cheap and effective! Do you need it? Almost definitely yes!
How You Can Help Eliminate Dental Mercury
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate: Facts Versus Fairytales
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a ubiquitous ingredient in nearly every cosmetic product today. It is often listed as the second or third ingredient.
"One of the findings was that the average adult uses nine personal care products each day, containing 126 different chemicals. The study also found that more than 250,000 women, and one out of every 100 men, use an average of 15 products daily."
"SLS is a systemic that can penetrate and be retained in the eye, brain, heart, liver, etc., with potentially harmful long-term effects. It can retard healing and cause cataracts in adults, and can keep children's eyes from developing properly."
Lest you shrug these findings off, thinking that your exposure is "insignificant," think again.
Did you know that, if you use conventional cosmetics on a daily basis, you can absorb almost 5 pounds of chemicals and toxins into your body each year?
Daily use of ordinary, seemingly benign personal care products like shampoo, toothpaste and shower gel can easily result in exposure to thousands of chemicals, and many will make their way into your body and become "stuck" there, since you lack the means to break them down.
This toxic load can become a significant contributing factor to health problems and serious diseases, especially if your diet and exercise habits are lacking.
Women seem to be predisposed to more autoimmune disorders than men. Diseases such as thyroid disease, fibromyalgia, and multiple sclerosis are far more common in women. Perhaps one of the major contributing factors is that women tend to use far more personal products than men.
If you are a woman, acting on the information in this report is particularly important. Is your make-up cabinet a toxic wasteland?
It is especially challenging to establish a link between these routine chemical exposures and health problems down the road, because the adverse effects might not show up for years.
As Theo Colburn discusses in Our Stolen Future[17], in some cases, effects are not seen in the person exposed but DO appear in her offspring. This has been seen in the animal kingdom, as well as in humans. Some adults have been known to suddenly show a disease many decades after prenatal exposure.
If you would like to learn more about the health effects of the chemicals you are routinely exposed to, I strongly urge you to read Our Toxic World: A Wake Up Call by Dr. Doris Rapp. She does a thorough job of uncovering the many ways we are exposed to toxic chemicals and how they contribute to chronic disease.
Many dietary supplements are contaminated - Health - Alternative medicine - msnbc.com
This is a huge problem that I'm surprised is just being reported now. The average person cannot simply walk into his health food store or pharmacy and know what he's getting. Sad but true. Many of the raw materials are produced in China where there is no regulation and where there seems to be toxic stuff everywhere.
Supplements should only be by prescription from a doctor, whether it be medical, chiropractic, naturopathic, or Oriental Medical. Even though that is not the case, most doctors have direct relationships with companies that produce high quality supplements, both in terms of efficacy and safety. Quality control is very important to these companies. Sometimes they cost a bit more, but this truly is a case of getting what you pay for.
As long as you're doing something for your health why not do it right?
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Friday, August 06, 2010
WEIRD SCIENCE: How Splenda Was Discovered
If you consume diet drinks containing SPLENDA you MUST read this article!!!
The Science Behind the Laying on of Hands
A great article as usual by Dr. Hammer, this time about the effects of hands on touch on a cellular level and how that leads to healing.
A Chiropractic Skeptic No More
This is a great example of how experience shapes perception. If you have never tried something what right do you have to criticize it? Hopefully all the chiropractic critics and skeptics will get to experience what chiropractic can do for them and experience great health.
No Shortage of Happy Chiropractic Patients
What we chiropractors have always known is finally coming out into the public light!
Thursday, August 05, 2010
One high-fat diet, two different outcomes: The path to obesity becomes clearer
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Routine Blood Tests Could Replace Colonoscopy - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News
This will be a relief to everyone who has to undergo an invasive procedure.
Sleep Soundly
Some excellent sleep advice from Dr. Kevin Wong and To Your Health newsletter!
The Brain May Age Faster In People Whose Hearts Pump Less Blood
"Keep your heart healthy and you may slow down the aging of your brain, according to a new study reported in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association."
More encouragement to get up and get moving! Sounds like a good 2 for 1 deal to me! Seriously, anytime we exercise our bodies we're also shaping up our brains! Remember that the brain controls ALL body function!
Synapses In Lab Mice Rejuvenated By Exercise And Caloric Restriction
"Harvard University researchers have uncovered a mechanism through which caloric restriction and exercise delay some of the debilitating effects of aging by rejuvenating connections between nerves and the muscles that they control."
This seems to be the opposite of what most of us are doing. Instead of physical activity and and sensible eating we are sedentary and overeat too often! There goes the brain!
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Adolescents with type 2 diabetes have diminished cognitive performance and brain abnormalities, study finds
"This is the first study that shows that children with type 2 diabetes have more cognitive dysfunction and brain abnormalities than equally obese children who did not yet have marked metabolic dysregulation from their obesity, "......
Health Burden of Obesity Rises
The most affluent nation in the history of the planet is literally eating itself to death. Where is this all heading?
Monday, August 02, 2010
Honey: Potential Benefits for Diabetes, Overweight, Hypertension, Restorative Sleep and More
Honey is a sweetener which may actually help with diabetes and obesity. It's already known as an anti-germicidal. Honey found in Egyptian sarcophagi thousands of years old has been found to still be edible.
Date syrup is a sweetener which does not raise blood sugar! Interesting, huh?
The message here is that foods found closer to their natural state are usually better for us. Another message is that if you are already diabetic or borderline this information does not give you the freedom to now go crazy on these sweeteners. You must still be under medical care and incorporate these into your diet under supervision.