Thursday, December 30, 2010

General Anesthesia More Like Coma Than Sleep

General Anesthesia More Like Coma Than Sleep: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Friday, December 24, 2010

Women on top unable to manage family--study | TheMedGuru

Women on top unable to manage family--study | TheMedGuru: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Is Alternative Medicine Risky for Kids?

Is Alternative Medicine Risky for Kids?: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

This headline is very misleading. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) as practiced by licensed practitioners is far safer than most drug prescriptions. That being said it is imperative for the CAM practitioner and parents to work in tandem with the medical doctor if the child is on prescription medications.

It also depends on what the alternative or complementary therapies are. Therapies such as homeopathy, nutrition, chiropractic and massage, acupuncture, and craniosacral therapy are all well established as being safe and effective. There are many more questionable practices out there for sure.

Prescription drug deaths are the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. No CAM therapy comes close to that.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Placebos Plus Positive Thinking May Be Enough

A small but incredible study demonstrates the power of mind over body. Patients were told they were receiving placebos for IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and many of them fared much better than their control group counterparts who received no treatment at all.

Most surprising was that those patients who knowingly received placebos fared as well or better than patients who received the most powerful drugs for IBS?

Do we really need medications which cause all sorts of side effects and must make the body acidic to work? Or should we really be tapping into the power within all of us to heal? I think you know that answer.

Placebos Plus Positive Thinking May Be Enough

Monday, December 20, 2010

Why Health Care Costs for LBP Are So High

Why Health Care Costs for LBP Are So High: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

If you want to minimize costs and maximize reduction in pain and symptoms see your chiropractor, the expert in spinal care, for your neck and back pain problems!

Natural, Permanent Relief from IBS, Free Consult

If you suffer from IBS, you already know that your doctor is limited in what he or she can do for you. It's unfortunate, but traditional Western medicine calls your problem IBS when they don’t know what else to call it. The IBS label is applied to a broad range of conditions that often have different causes.  Most doctors, therefore, have little choice but to prescribe the standard medications. For most patients, these prescriptions fail to correct the underlying causes of your pain, discomfort and even embarrassment.

And so I consider it my mission to reach out to you and let you know that you absolutely have options.  If you suffer from IBS, I'd like to give you the gift of a free consultation so you can learn what these options are.

Click to discover what you'll take home from this free consultation:

I visited Dr. Rosenberg after suffering with IBS for the previous 10 years. I was desperate to find a cure for my problem and was already losing hope. I had several tests and medical exams and doctors couldn’t find anything wrong and they diagnosed me with IBS.  I found out about Dr. Rosenberg from a friend, and instantly I was impressed by his thorough examination and questionnaire. Dr. Rosenberg worked with my diet, manually massaged my stomach and prescribed special natural herbs and tea to restore the health of the flora of my intestines. After just the first visit, I was able to move my bowels for the first time in 10 years without any laxatives!  In fact after just a few treatments I was able to move my bowels 9 times in next 4 days. Although it took me approximately 6 months to be able to heal and properly move my bowels, the end result was priceless. If you suffer from IBS I would strongly recommend you make an appointment with Dr. Rosenberg!

          R.G., Bronx, NY

If you've been through the normal round of specialist visits and treatments and yet you're still in pain, call me now to schedule your free consultation.

Time and my other clinical obligations limit me to not more than 2 - 3 free consultations in the average week. And unfortunately IBS is becoming more and more common. But I promise to fit you in as soon as possible.

Call me now to schedule your private, confidential consultation.  I am consulting with patients in person and long distance via phone or SKYPE.

Dr. Reuven M. Rosenberg
Chiropractor & Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Israel Phone: 057-950-1685 (Leave a message if no answer and I will reply as soon as possible)
U.S. Phone: 718-207-8566

SKYPE: Dr.Rosenberg
Nachal Lachish 16/2
Ramat Beit Shemesh

Nutritional Expert Recommends 5 Tips for Buying Safer Vitamins |

Nutritional Expert Recommends 5 Tips for Buying Safer Vitamins | "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Buying vitamins is usually a very confusing event for most people. First of all people buy what they think they may need based upon a neighbors advice or after reading something on the internet. When they make an appointment for some health issue I ask if they're taking any medications and vitamins. If yes, I ask what specific vitamins and which brands they're using. I also ask about forms of minerals, of which they usually have not idea.

Patients who are taking lots of vitamins more often than not are taking nearly everything but missing the one or two crucial nutrients they need. Ironically these are the people usually most concerned about price.

For the most many part store bought supplements are cheap junk. It's also possible to pay a lot for that cheap junk. Your best bet is a nutritional evaluation with an integrative practitioner and if needed they will supply top quality supplements available only through doctors. The supplements offered are by companies who only deal with doctors. There is a lot of competition in the industry so innovative formulas and top quality are in the best interests of these companies. They are compelled to have as many certifications as possible for quality control as possible in addition to sometimes being kosher certified.

The bottom line is steer clear of the supplement shelf at the pharmacy or supermarket. Visit a qualified professional to best determine your needs. In this way you feel better and will save money in the long run too!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Neurology for Kids!

mindboggling_workbook.pdf (application/pdf Object): "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Brain Anomaly Leaves Woman Without Fear

Brain Anomaly Leaves Woman Without Fear: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Fear, like pain, is a protective mechanism meant to ensure your well being. In this rare case a woman was found to be lacking an amygdala, a small almond shaped structure in the brain very involved in fear response, on both sides of the brain. Consequently she finds herself in situations that would normally evoke fear in most people but she has no fear whatsoever. Sometimes this has turned out to serve her well, like the time she threatened her attacker and scared him off. Most would agree that she was very fortunate in this situation though.

The amygdala is part of the larger limbic system which also includes the hypothalamus, dorsal roots, and dorsal horn of the spinal cord.

Chiropractic adjustment of the cervical spine can affect deep brain structures through activation of joint mechanorecptors. Although I don't know of any studies which have been done in this area I think it would be a very good idea to explore.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Is Your Doctor Paid to Promote a Drug?

Do doctors who take up to $300,000 per year have your best interests in mind?  Or something else?  Here is another reason not to put your faith in medicine.  The pharmaceutical industry is based purely on profit and satisfying their investors.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Memory loss is not a normal part of aging

Memory loss is not a normal part of aging: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Are you beginning to forget things as you reach middle age? People joke about getting older and forgetting where they put their keys or glasses. "Oh, it's early senility setting in." The problem is that it may not be a joke. It may actually be the truth. According to this study normal healthy brains don't become forgetful. Only diseased or injured brains do. Like all disease it starts out as some type of dis-ease, something not quite like it used to be in a small way. Over time the deterioration leads to more doctor visits, more drugs, perhaps surgery, loss of job, further loss of mental and physical function, and sometimes being placed in a home for people who can no longer function on their own.

Disease happens slowly. Don't panic if you forgot where you put your keys one time. However if you or your family notice that things are not quite the way they used to be it pays to visit the doctor and get tested. If the family doctor finds nothing wrong and the problem persists find a doctor who practices Integrative Medicine. This could be an MD, DO, or DC (chiropractor).

Ancient Chinese saying

"You can treat the leaves or you can treat the roots".

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

BPA Can Rub Off From Receipts, Money, Study Finds

BPA Can Rub Off From Receipts, Money, Study Finds: "- Sent using Google Toolbar

Another example of the insidious presence of very dangerous chemicals in our everyday lives. It seems impossible to get away from this garbage. It is now incumbent on everyone to constantly detox through diet, nutrients, avoidance as much as possible.

Flame Retardant Found in Butter

Flame Retardant Found in Butter: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

The chemical culprit was found in the paper wrapper of the stick of butter. No one asks why a flame retardant is needed in a paper butter wrapper.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Mercury in Stream Ecosystems

USGS NAWQA: Mercury in Stream Ecosystems: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Mercury pollution is a huge environmental problem. Tuna now has 30% higher mercury levels than it did in 1990 and that is expected to rise by another 50% with China's increasing industrialization.

Check your mercury levels from eating fish with this calculator!

Monday, December 06, 2010

How Nutrition and Biology Influence Mood Behavior, Attention and Memory

The Brain & The Immune System

Dr. Russell Blaylock is way ahead of the curve.  Listen to him!

Just Breathe: Body Has A Built-In Stress Reliever : NPR

Just Breathe: Body Has A Built-In Stress Reliever : NPR: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Are you not sleeping enough? Are you always on the run? Are you gaining weight and can't stop? Are you always tired and frequently irritable? Are you having digestive problems? Infertility problems? Losing hair?

Well, just stop....and take a deep breath! And then do it some more. And then get into the habit of doing it regularly! You may find that your health will improve significantly. This will have a hug impact on your high stress levels.

Deep breathing has a tremendous and powerful effect on the whole body. If you can use this method to decrease stress, why not? It's free and has no side effects. You can even change your genetics! You will be energized and relaxed and that opens you up to all possibilities!

Strike a Pose - TIME

Strike a Pose - TIME: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Just by adopting a "power pose" such as feet up on a desk can rapidly increase testosterone levels. Our body is so incredible! We put so much faith in pills and drugs but we can do so much for ourselves just by doing simple things. Sadly most of us are so disconnected from ourselves and so reliant on the so called experts and mountains of information coming our way that we forget that within each of us is an awesome power to change ourselves. Simply by sitting one way or the other! Or getting off the gerbil wheel of life and stopping to hear ourselves breathe. Turn off all the external garbage and listen to yourself! Turn off the music, the radio, the TV. Give your brain a break. Get to know yourself again. Change your thoughts, change your physiology, change your reality!

Eat healthy foods to satiation, drink 2-3 liters water every day, sleep 7 hours in a dark and relaxing room, move, breathe deeply, stop and think about what you take for granted.

This is a bit off topic but very relevant to the discussion:

You will appreciate and digest an apple so much better if you take a close look at it before taking a bite. Think about everything that went into making that apple. The seed which grew into a tree, the fertile soil, the sun, the rain, and the farmer who tended the orchard. The blossom and then the maturing fruit. The picking, the transportation, and then finally your choice of that apple at that moment. Look at the skin. Is it solid red? Or do you now see stripes, spots and different colors? Say a blessing of thanks to G-d and then take a bite. Chew slowly appreciating the texture and flavor. Now doesn't that test especially good?

The Secret Life of Sperm

The Secret Life of Sperm - "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Some interesting facts about sperm. Worldwide sperm counts are said to be declining. That's hard to imagine with about 7 billion people in the world. Take note of the top suggestions for increasing sperm count: good nutrition! Most people are over stressed and depleted of nutrients. The fluid bath that sperm are in is loaded with nutrients in a normal healthy guy.

Chiropractic can also be very helpful in restoring normal function to sexual organs and thereby increasing chances of fertility.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Autism’s First Child - Magazine - The Atlantic

Autism’s First Child - Magazine - The Atlantic: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

This is a fascinating article. The subject is a 77 year old man and he is the first officially diagnosed case of autism.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The 1st Principle of Jewish Healing

The first principle of Jewish healing is that prevention is best. Safeguarding health is a mitzva -- the one on which all others depend:
"Take very great care of yourself" (Deuteronomy 4:15).

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

This is your neck when hit from behind in 5 km/h

Patients often dismiss low impact car accidents as nothing. Watch!

Kids' ER visits fell after cold drugs' removal - Health - Kids and parenting -

Kids' ER visits fell after cold drugs' removal - Health - Kids and parenting - "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Kids usually don't need drugs to solve colds. They need some hands-on therapy like chiropractic and massage, stimulation of acupuncture points, and a boost to the immune system through diet. Chicken soup, garlic, honey, and greens are just a few foods that would help. A warm bath with salt (Dead Sea is best).

Leave the poison drugs on the shelf. Even the government now states the stuff is dangerous!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Gene links to anorexia identified: Largest genetic study of the eating disorder detects common and rare variants

Gene links to anorexia identified: Largest genetic study of the eating disorder detects common and rare variants: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Anorexia Nervosa, a disease most prevalent in young woman, is characterized by refusal to eat, severe weight loss, and the distorted view that the person is fat when in fact they are emaciated. Treatment plans are difficult as there is no reasoning with the person.

Now we have a study which demonstrates that the problem is occurring on the genetic level and is not just in the patient's head. The genes which were identified were in a region which "code for neuronal cell-adhesion molecules -- proteins that influence how neurons communicate with each other in the brain."

If genes which code for communication are lacking that would make sense in people who are having a disconnect between thinking they are obese and an actual state of life-threatening emaciation.

I would look into the possibility of running neurotransmitter profiles and then prescribing classic brain nutrients like acetyl choline and phosphatidyl serine. I wish the researchers would incorporate this sort of treatment into their study.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Children's Belly Fat Affects Heart Risk

obesChildren's Belly Fat Affects Heart Risk: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Children today are fatter than ever before. On one hand it's pretty simple. Like their parents their diet is awful and they're too busy playing with their thumbs rather than their legs. The rate of soft drink consumption has skyrocketed in recent times and therefore so has sugar, and even worse artificial sweeteners, which are hundreds of times sweeter than sugar and are neurotoxic.

Compounding the problem is also the presence of multiple environmental toxins which have an effect on the brain and neuorendocrine system. Many of these chemicals are estrogenizing, meaning in this case that greater fat stores will be induced in kids exposed to them. Unfortunately these chemicals can be found in the air, water, and soil. This means they're found in the water we drink, in the air we breathe, and in the food we eat. Through lab testing we can find out how much of a problem this is and then we can take steps to reverse and minimize future damage. This is the most difficult area to control.

Excess soy products may also be estrogenizers. This is bad for boys in that it will encourage female sex traits and bad for girls in that it will induce early puberty and development. The best soy products are natural fermented products like natto. Stay away from any processed soy products like soy dogs, soy ice cream, soy cheese, soy meat, etc.

In this study waist size was found to correlate to increased blood pressure rates as opposed to BMI (Body Mass Index).

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Scientists reveal surgical procedure for hard to cure hypertension

Scientists reveal surgical procedure for hard to cure hypertension: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

A surgical procedure has been shown to cut high blood pressure by 39%. In the surgery nerves to the kidney are cut. This may be good for some extremely difficult cases but I would not recommend it for most. Nerves are there for a good reason. They are the information highway between the brain and end organ. Cutting nerves to the kidney cannot be good long term.

A recent study showed that chiropractic neck adjustments can lower blood pressure significantly without drugs or surgery. Isn't that worth trying first? Watch the video:

Easy and effective body detox tips - by Nicole Evans M.D. - Helium

Easy and effective body detox tips - by Nicole Evans M.D. - Helium: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Some easy and practical ways to detox!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Whey Protein Lowers Blood Pressure

Whey Protein Lowers Blood Pressure: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Another great benefit of Whey protein!

Antibiotics Only Slightly More Effective Than No Treatment For Kids' Ear Infections

Antibiotics Only Slightly More Effective Than No Treatment For Kids' Ear Infections: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Here's the main point of this study:

If 100 children of average risk develop middle ear infection (acute otitis media), 80 of them will get better within three days with no antibiotic medications, while 92 would if you gave every single one of them ampicillin/amoxicillin. However, the antibiotics would cause 3 to 10 cases of rash and 5 to 10 cases of diarrhea, researchers from Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles and RAND at Santa Monica wrote in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association).

So your choices as a parent seem to be either to let your kid suffer for a few days with an infection or go to the doctor for an antibiotic prescription. The catch to taking the medication is that they probably would have gotten better in the same time period without the medication. Well, OK, what's wrong with that? You take a decent chance on them getting rash or diarrhea. And guess what that means; staying home anyway. More symptoms, maybe another doctor's visit, and maybe more drugs. Does this make any sense? Oh, on top of that the antibiotics will have killed off any friendly germs in their GI tract setting them up for further infections! And the cycle will continue ad nauseum, pardon the pun.

They mention nothing about chiropractic and acupuncture, both very effective drug-free treatments for this problem. Chiropractic adjustment of the upper cranials and a tug on the eustachian tubes will get the drainage going and get all the dead and infectious agents flowing out into the lymphatic system. This gives the immune system a boost to do it's job. The child will improve sometimes immediately or within hours. Also important is to evaluate digestive function and look into whether or not there is an infection of the GI tract by bacteria, viruses, parasites, and yeast. These are the real culprits of ear infections and sinus problems.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Today's Health Quote

It is remarkable how one's wits are sharpened by physical exercise. - Pliny the Younger

Obama White House Hands Out 111 Obamacare Waivers- Hides It on Website

The mess gets uglier and messier!  It's time to take your health into your own hands.  The information is all around you!  Get started and don't rely on the government to take care of you!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Brain chemical that regulates mood may have anti-diabetic properties

Brain chemical that regulates mood may have anti-diabetic properties: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Serotonin helps to regulate blood sugar! This is a great piece of info for clinicians and patients.

Lack of proper rest has been associated with obesity for quite some time and now we have a new piece of the puzzle. This study ties together brain and liver function, metabolism and blood sugar regulation.

What it does not address is that much serotonin, perhaps 80%, is produced in the intestinal system. Digestive health is also affected by sleep and stress levels. So you see how this all ties together. The whole body talks and communicates. This is especially true of the neuroendocrine system. If you hear cortisol you can think melatonin and insulin. Now you can add serotonin to the list. And there's much more!

Western medicine compartmentalized everything and one day will have to adjust for this new knowledge. In the meantime the integrative practitioner already knows how to tie together brain function, sleep issues, blood sugar, stress levels, digestive status, and more into one comprehensive package. This is the way the research is going.

Everyone May Benefit From Chelation

Everyone May Benefit From Chelation: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

This is an excellent summary of heavy metal contaminants in the environment and how we can protect our health.

Monday, November 08, 2010

IDEA LAB - The Worm Turns -

IDEA LAB - The Worm Turns - "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Can a hookworm make you healthy? | ISRAELITY

Can a hookworm make you healthy?

This news story is an absolute mind blower to me! I have always been focused on ridding people's digestive tracts of bad bacteria, fungus, and especially worms and parasites. Many times they indeed cause problems. In fact we know to de-worm our pets. Worms are large and visible. Some may be several meters long. The idea of such a creature living within us is naturally repulsive to most people and so we think in terms of killing it and expelling it somehow.

Now I have learned that some of these worms may actually be helpful to reduce inflammation and protect against various ailments and diseases. Hygienic practices are credited with reduction of diseases but perhaps we have now gone too far in our use of antibiotics, anti-bacterial hand soaps.

There are more microbes in our body than there are cells. In the GI tract they weigh in at about 3- 4 pounds. That's stunning. Many of them are beneficial and I have always tried to get rid of the "bad" guys and encourage growth of the "good" guys! For sure there is a balance.

Most of us are unaware that we are hosts for many colonies of tiny living creatures that are symbiotic with us. There are bacteria on the skin which can never be washed off. It's time to realize that we are part of the environment and that infection with microbes and other creatures can actually be beneficial to our health. In this case "infection" takes on a whole new mindset in that it's not always associated with "bad". It may not be such a bad idea to let your kids play in the sandbox after all!

Visible Body | 3D Human Anatomy

Visible Body | 3D Human Anatomy: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

If you like to study anatomy this is a great tool!

Do You Have Any Idea of the Chemicals Used in Fast Food Chicken

Do You Have Any Idea of the Chemicals Used in Fast Food Chicken: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Toxic environment is bad enough, but toxic food that's only partially food? Stay away!

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Beet Juice Good for Brain

Beet Juice Good for Brain: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

In this study it was found that beet juice increases blood flow to the brain. That's great news! Anything that helps blood vessels relax in order to deliver more blood rich in oxygen and nutrients to the whole body is worth looking into. The brain is a very greedy organ needing lots of fuel and the two primary brain foods are oxygen and glucose. The blood delivers both so your brain can be at top function to take care of the rest of your body.

Other ways to increase blood flow to the brain are aerobic exercise and life long learning, especially new subjects.

One of the best things you can do for your health is to buy a Vitamix machine. Click on the link and you'll see why. Whole foods!

Monday, November 01, 2010

TECHNION FOCUS MAGAZINE - Research - Pruning Neuronal Trees

TECHNION FOCUS MAGAZINE - Research - Pruning Neuronal Trees: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

An Israeli study of the development of mechanoreceptor neurons and it's impact on the growth of neuronal trees. These are the same mechanoreceptors we chiropractors affect with our adjustments! Could it be that by stimulating mechanoreceptors we are promoting the growth of neuronal trees?

The old chiropractic model is a bone of out place pinching a nerve. The new model says that joints become restricted and no longer move freely. Mechanoreceptors located with the joints no longer are stimulated since they respond to motion and there is none. The chiropractic adjustment does three things:

1) restores joint Range of Motion (ROM)
2) fires a barrage of info into the mechanoreceptors
3) quick stretches the muscle, thereby helping it to relax

Motion is life. Motion fires off the receptors located in your joints, muscles, and ligaments and that all feeds to the brain. That information plus all the sensory input keeps the brain active and healthy. The brain is the master over the whole body and relies on this stimulation to maintain itself and the rest of the body. When you exercise you not only give your body a workout but you are also fueling your brain with lots of input from your whole body' receptors firing off! The cross crawl of opposite arms and legs moving forward is especially good.
 This is what fake food looks like after 6 months:

And this is what happens to real food:

Still want to eat that happy meal???

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Your Body within 1 Hour of Drinking Soda

Your Body within 1 Hour of Drinking Soda

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Just read it and if there's anything you don't understand or doubt just be in touch with me.

B Vitamins Halt Brain Decay | Anti-Aging News | Anti-Aging Resources | Live in the Now by

B Vitamins Halt Brain Decay | Anti-Aging News | Anti-Aging Resources | Live in the Now by "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

A multi B vitamin supplement could be as simple as it gets to help stave off brain problems later in life. Nutritional deficiencies lead to dysfunction and disease. When the body gets the building blocks it needs function is restored!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Plastics Chemical BPA Tied to Poor Sperm Quality

Plastics Chemical BPA Tied to Poor Sperm Quality: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Male fertility is on the decline worldwide and this may be one of the reasons why.

Medical News: Pancreatic Cancer May Kill More Slowly than Believed - in Oncology/Hematology, Other Cancers from MedPage Today

Medical News: Pancreatic Cancer May Kill More Slowly than Believed - in Oncology/Hematology, Other Cancers from MedPage Today: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Disease does not happen overnight! You don't go to bed healthy and wake up with cancer the next day. Your genetics and lifelong habits will contribute to your ultimate health.

Stay away from concentrated sugars! Do not go near sweetened beverages and even fruit juices. Especially beware of artificial sweeteners as they are far sweeter than sugar and also evoke an insulin response from the pancreas. If you want soda or juice as an occasional treat try watering it down with water or seltzer. You should be drinking 64-80 oz/2-3liters of filtered water per day.

Israeli Startup Creates Cell Phone Radiation Shield - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

Israeli Startup Creates Cell Phone Radiation Shield - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

We've been hearing lately about the dangers of cell phone radiation. Here is a technology that may decrease the risks by up to 98%!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sugary Drinks Link To Diabetes And Metabolic Syndrome Risk Is Clear And Compelling

Sugary Drinks Link To Diabetes And Metabolic Syndrome Risk Is Clear And Compelling: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

This should be no surprise to most of us, but sugary drinks can lead to metabolic syndrome and diabetes. What is significant about the study is that this was a meta-analysis, a study of 11 independent studies involving over 300,000 subjects.

Please put down the soda can and pick up some filtered water. Artificial sweeteners are an even bigger disaster and a similar study should be done on them. Even juices are concentrated sugar without the rest of the fruit and raise blood sugar too high. Drink water or occasionally pure grape or pomegranate juice with some seltzer if you really miss the sodas.

Medical science discovers remarkable yet simple way to instantly increase your willpower

Medical science discovers remarkable yet simple way to instantly increase your willpower: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

More evidence of mind-body medicine. When faced with a tempting situation that you wish to avoid simply pick any muscle and tighten it. This will increase your willpower. Sound crazy? Let's try it!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Caffeinated Alcoholic Drinks’ Dangers Are Cited -

Caffeinated Alcoholic Drinks’ Dangers Are Cited - "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Absolutely nuts! How can this be legal?

Being Healthy at 100 Takes Some Homework — Jane E. Brody -

Being Healthy at 100 Takes Some Homework — Jane E. Brody - "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Here we have a very interesting article. Most of us want to live as long as possible in good health. But how many of us are willing to make the investment now in order to reap the rewards later in life? Ms. Brody makes the point that simply walking earlier in life will lead to improved function later in life.

Motion is life! When we move the brain is activated through muscles, joints, and ligaments. Get up and get moving for longer and better life!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Senate panel examining how chemicals in daily life affect kids' health -

Senate panel examining how chemicals in daily life affect kids' health - "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

232 chemicals were found in the cord blood of newborns. Shocking and very discouraging. We're living in a very toxic world. Many of these chemicals come from everyday household items. Shampoos, plastics, treated wood, carpets, drapes, and household cleaners. Some come from the polluted air, water, and soil. Toxins are now everywhere. Heavy metals, volatile chemicals, plastics, prescription drugs, pesticides, and the list goes on. Many of these toxins do not have a metabolic pathway out of the body. What to do?

A comprehensive detoxification program is called for, especially for women who wish to get pregnant.

Nearing 50, Renaissance jock Herschel Walker breaks fitness rules -

Nearing 50, Renaissance jock Herschel Walker breaks fitness rules - "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Middle age does not have to look like flabby and full of aches and pains. Former football start Herschel Walker proves that with an incredible regimen of workout and calorie restriction. This should be an inspiration to all middle age couch and office potatoes. If we did just a fraction of what HW does we would be far better off! Eat simply and only to satiation. Get up off the couch or chair and move! Walk, swim, lift some weights!

Friday, October 22, 2010

BBC News - Tennis elbow injections do 'more harm than good'

BBC News - Tennis elbow injections do 'more harm than good': "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Could this info be extrapolated to any part of the body? Exercise, manual manipulation of joints, and rehab are the best first choices for most neuro-musculo-skeletal problems!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010 - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Health :: How your laptop could be a real pain in the neck - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Health :: How your laptop could be a real pain in the neck: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Technology seems to be incompatible with your structure and function. With regard to my laptop I use a great device called the ErgoTilt.

Vitamin B12 Linked to Lower Alzheimer’s Risk

Vitamin B12 Linked to Lower Alzheimer’s Risk: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

In the absence of nutrients dysfunction and disease will be present. When nutrients are kept at the proper levels you have health.

Some Dental Treatment Is Linked to Heart Risk

Some Dental Treatment Is Linked to Heart Risk: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Some Dental Treatment Is Linked to Heart Risk

Some Dental Treatment Is Linked to Heart Risk: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Oral health is a good indicator of general health. The mouth is dark and moist, a perfect place for bacteria, but there are also enzymes present in the saliva which are anti-bacterial.

The state of the mouth is actually a reflection of the state of your stomach and intestinal tract. The GI tract contains 80% of your immune system and houses more bacteria than there are cells in the body. There needs to be a balance of these bacteria. Often that balance is thrown off due to poor diet, excercise, and sleep habits. Also anti-biotics will kill off many beneficial bacteria along with the bad guys giving other bad guys an opportunity to take up residence and multiply.

It's very important to brush and floss regularly. My dentist says that flossing is even more important than brushing! It's also very important to get your GI tract in better shape. If you have bloating, gas, distended belly, constipation or diarrhea, or bad reactions to certain foods then you need to consult a functional nutritionist and get these issues sorted out.

Take care of yourself from top to bottom and from bottom to top. That was a trip to the dentist for a cleaning or extraction does not need to put your life at risk!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Medical News: Walking Correlates With Brain Volume, Cognitive Ability - in Geriatrics, Dementia from MedPage Today

Medical News: Walking Correlates With Brain Volume, Cognitive Ability - in Geriatrics, Dementia from MedPage Today: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Motion is life! The brain receives input from muscles, ligaments, and joints via activation of receptors when we move. I've been waiting a long time for this study and article to appear! It's no surprise that simply walking activates grey matter and leads to increased brain volume. Your brain literally lives for this and in turn your health and life will be significantly improved! Physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Prescription for better health:

*Get moving
*Sleep 7 hours ( best from 11 PM)
*Drink 64-80 oz/2-3 liters water per day
*Eat lots of fruits & veggies, get rid of white sugar & artificial sweeteners

Medical News: Cardiac Arrest Rescuers Must Re-Learn ABCs of CPR - in Cardiovascular, Myocardial Infarction from MedPage Today

Medical News: Cardiac Arrest Rescuers Must Re-Learn ABCs of CPR - in Cardiovascular, Myocardial Infarction from MedPage Today: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

CPR, in this writer's opinion, should be learned by everyone. Far too many people do not know this potentially life saving therapy.

Today the guidelines have changed from A (airway), B (breathing), C (compression) to CAB in most cases. Experts have concluded that chest compressions are the most important part of rescue and should be initiated as soon as possible.

Contact the American Heart Association for a course or your local EMS service in your country.

SLEEP - Both Duration and Timing of Sleep are Important to Memory Consolidation

SLEEP - Both Duration and Timing of Sleep are Important to Memory Consolidation

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Green light can reset your internal body clock, affect sleep

Green light can reset your internal body clock, affect sleep

We are unavoidably tied into the natural rhythms of our world.  Light and dark, day and night,  play a huge role in our sleep -wake cycle. 

"The white light in our lives, whether from most light bulbs or the sun, is a rainbow of colors from violet to red, research has shown. It has long been known that exposure to that full spectrum resets the body's circadian clock, the rhythm that synchronizes our 24-hour cycle of alertness and sleepiness, along with hormones and a cascade of other physiologic processes all timed to the sun's passage through the day."

Before electricity people pretty much got up at dawn and went to sleep when the sun went down.  Today in our hi-tech world we no longer sleep. This is having a huge impact on our health.  It causes us to be sick more, to age faster, and increases our susceptibility to obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer.

Ideally we need about 7 solid hours of sleep per night, preferably from no later than 11 PM.  The room should be very dark and of there is a digital alarm display that should be covered.  The bedroom should be for sleeping only.  No TV, no reading, no eating.

Get out into the sun during the day and get into a nice cozy dark bedroom at night!

Sunday, October 10, 2010



If you take Vitamin C and drink certain sodas you are creating a known deadly chemical in your body. These sodas contain and ingredient called sodium benzoate, which when combined with Vitamin C forms benzene, a very highly toxic and carcinogenic chemical.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Coke and Pepsi Used as Pesticide in India

I dare you to watch this short clip and then tell me you can still drink Coke or Pepsi. Even if for some reason this report is dubious did you know that the phosphoric acid in colas can leach all the calcium from your bones? Or that colas are 10,000 times more acidic that the blood?

Study: Dieters Foregoing Sleep May Lose Muscle, Not Fat - Health Blog - WSJ

Study: Dieters Foregoing Sleep May Lose Muscle, Not Fat - Health Blog - WSJ: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Told to Eat Its Vegetables, America Orders Fries -

Told to Eat Its Vegetables, America Orders Fries - "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

What more could be done to make it convenient? Americans just don't seem to want veggies. Not enough time. Too much trouble. In other countries vegetables are eaten at every meal. In Israel, a small country the size of New Jersey, produce is grown locally and seasonally, meaning that it's fresh and delicious. Veggies are present at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. At the falafel stands you can get your pita loaded with any number of salads. Israel also boasts many chains which serve huge salads.

The bottom line is that everyone has free choice. By now everyone knows the benefits of eating vegetables. I recall studies out there saying the more junk food one eats the more one becomes addicted to it.

Happy Healthy You with Stretch Relief ~ Chris Pirillo

Happy Healthy You with Stretch Relief ~ Chris Pirillo: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

If you sit all day, and if you have an iPhone, this is a great app to get you stretched out and alleviate some of that muscle tension you may be feeling. This is not, as the article suggests, something that replaces regular chiropractic or medical care, but keeps you in better shape in between visits.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Pain Slideshow: Causes of Back, Neck, Wrist, and Headache Pain

Pain Slideshow: Causes of Back, Neck, Wrist, and Headache Pain: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Seems like just about everything can cause pain if you watch this slide show. Pain is still not completely understood, but what we do know is pain is unique to each individual. Each person experiences pain in their own way.

The nervous system is not largely dedicated to pain. Pain fibers in the nervous system are relatively few and thin. When we experience pain it means that the level of the pain signal is significantly increased versus other nervous system function. Pain simply serves as an alarm that something is wrong, but the alarm does not go off until there is a very large message being sent to the brain. This is the reason that some serious medical conditions which take time to develop lie under the pain radar until the later stages.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Neglecting your teeth may lead to Alzheimer's

Neglecting your teeth may lead to Alzheimer's: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

This article focuses on seniors but the problem really starts with neglected teeth when people are young. Don't forget that there's also a link between unclean gums and heart disease!

Get going! Brush after every meal and remember to floss at least once a day too!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dr. Roger Starner Jones Muses On Crisis Culture « Vitals Spotlight – We Give the Doctor an Exam

Dr. Roger Starner Jones Muses On Crisis Culture « Vitals Spotlight – We Give the Doctor an Exam: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Magnet Treatment May Help Stroke Patients

Magnet Treatment May Help Stroke Patients: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Patients suffering stroke received magnetic brain stimulation in a this study. The treatment is non-invasive.

The most interesting part of the study in my opinion was the recognition and utilization of the hemisphericity of the brain. The lead researcher, Dr. Anwar Etribi explains, "We believe that people develop partial paralysis down one side after they have a stroke because the hemispheres of the brain become unbalanced. The hemisphere that has not been affected can become overactive, while the damaged hemisphere can become inhibited."

Unbalanced brain hemispheres are not only involved with stroke, but with many other conditions, such as ADD/ADHD or headaches. Chiropractors with additional post graduate training in neurology utilize brain hemisphericity both as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool.

A clinician who understands how to look into these windows of function and treat accordingly will be able to accomplish results beyond compare without drugs or surgery.

An additional note is the use of magnets. The body has a magnetic field and there is iron in the blood. When magnets are applied blood flow is increased due to the attraction of iron in the blood. Increased blood flow brings more oxygen and nutrients to the affected tissues.

Kudos to Dr. Etribi for recognizing the brain's hemispheres and for his cutting edge research.